Easy Wins & New Subscription List Update - Forever Saturday

β€œThe great victory, which appears so simple today, was the result of a series of small victories that went unnoticed.”
- Paul Coehlo

I love all of the quotes in this family of advice.

I'm no stranger to sharing my love for the James Clear's Atomic Habits or Jeff Haden's The Motivation Myth nuggets about how important the process is to goal achievement.

Back to the Basics

You know those moments when you lose focus and the light bulb moment is when you "go back to the basics"? Those times when the water gets muddy and you tell yourself to take a step back and concentrate on the fundamentals?

The best example I can think of is golf. Progressing through a golf season, I heap so many swing thoughts on top of each other that I sometimes get completely lost.

It makes no sense on the surface, but the worst golf that I play is always towards the middle of the summer.

It's the exact point that I'm going over way too many pre-swing thoughts & tips, and right before I discover I need to flush my head of all of it. I realize I need to simply relax, make a good turn, and not try to crush the ball.

The Work That Goes Unnoticed

It's a terrible insult to my business to compare it to my golf game, but my north star when I lose focus professionally is to strip everything down to my processes and focus on incremental gains - the small victories.

A thought exercise:

  • Think about what it looks like achieving your ultimate goal with your business. Whether that's stacking millions in the bank, quitting your day job to work from a beach 2 hours a day, or becoming debt free from a side hustle.
  • Think about how many new all-time highs that you'll hit on your way there. All of the ceilings you will break through as you grow. It's like a chart diligently marching up and to the right.
  • Now, realistically think about the length of time it will take to get there. We're all adults here, none of us are under the impression any of this will be quick.

Ok, now think of the people that will see you smiling and happy at the finish line and think "Must be nice to be a millionaire" or "Must be nice to be debt-free".

I mean, I get it. Haters gonna hate, right?

They didn't see you sourcing for hours while they watched football all day on Sundays.

They didn't realize the benefits of you skipping happy hour after work to pack your FBA shipments.

They don't know you didn't see the Netflix show they asked you about because you were watching videos or listening to podcasts about Amazon.

Stacking Easy Wins

You prioritized incremental gains in the name of the larger goal. You were putting in the reps to be better each day. You were stacking small wins.

And it eventually pays off. Big.

Alright, enough about the haters and daydreaming of the finish line. Let's talk about making it easier to get there.

Amazon Fundamentals

If you took a poll, you'd find a whole lot of people that agree with me that sourcing is the most important skill to master when it comes to selling on Amazon.

If you compared two sellers, the seller that is the better sourcer will find more products and more profit in a shorter amount of time.

I also think if you added a second part to that poll, you'd find that sourcing is one of more common pain points for sellers.

If you have all of the opportunities you need and your pain point is running out of capital, you should look up banks offering business lines of credit and go tick off your haters at the finish line. You got this!

But, if you need more wins to stack, I have two options to share:

Easier Win #1

A few issues ago, we talked about storefront stalking. It's a method of uncovering opportunities that other sellers have already determined are wins.

It's a major component of my sourcing process and I wanted to follow up and show just how easy it can be.

A few nights ago, it was getting late and I was getting ready to shut it down for the day when Storefront Stalker Pro sent me this email:

Almost 1500 new ASINs to review! Remember, SSP checks all of your storefronts every four hours, so this was just what they had found in that short period of time.

I had a big list of things to do the next day already, so I decided to try to make a dent in the list before bed.

I sorted the dashboard into 100 per page and started skimming the first page. I don't like selling shoes or clothing much, so I skipped those and only paid attention to my preferred categories.

I scrolled down about 20 lines and found this (we're looking at the column on the right if you're unfamiliar with RevSeller):

There was only one FBA offer and it was sub-50k rank in Electronics. That's not flying off the shelf, but I could only get three units anyway. Considering the minimal competition, I was in.

A little further down, I saw this:

Four other sellers in-stock, ranked 150k in Toys. That's enough for me to grab some.

Then closer to the bottom of the page, I saw this:

This one had a healthy amount of sellers, but the seller count on Keepa had crested and was trending down. It was ranked 65k in Beauty. I'm in.

Nothing Crazy, But...

This was just the first page of the most recent batch of ASINs that the tool sent me. Sourced in a half hour or so before bed.

My dashboard already had over 15k ASINs in it and the tool was going to check for more in a few hours.

Sure, I don't always get that many delivered to me at a time. Sure, not every half hour spent with the tool is like this. Sure, your mileage may vary, but SSP had paid for itself after looking at less than 7% of the most recent list.

A few weeks ago, I told you why I really liked it. And now I'm showing you my real experience with it. That was a pretty easy win.

Remember, using my link below bumps your free trial up to 10 days. If you need some easier wins, you really should try it out.

The other Easier Win is after the podcast promo. πŸ‘‡ Look, I added the logo!

Would you be interested in a podcast specifically for arbitrage-focused Amazon sellers?

If so, you should check out the Clear The Shelf Podcast with Chris & Chris.

Don't let the fact that I'm one of the Chris's deter you from checking it out πŸ˜†. We cover online arbitrage, retail arbitrage, wholesale, and more related to selling on Amazon. We share news, tactics, insights, stories, and interviews to help you be more successful.
Check it out on your favorite podcast player:

​CTS on YouTube​

​CTS on Apple​

​CTS on Spotify​


Easier Win #2

How about more vetted leads delivered right to you?

The newest weekend lead list subscription, Alpha, is launching this weekend.

Sign up will open this Wednesday February 7th for the first 20 subscribers. Look for an email from me around noon est.

The first lead list will be delivered to subscribers on Saturday February 10th and continue every Saturday & Sunday for the duration of your subscription.

What if I already subscribe to weekday lists?

This is perfect for you!

It's a great compliment to your weekday lists if you're trying to scale your operation.

You can ensure you receive fresh leads every single day.

I remember when I was still learning and didn't fully trust my sourcing skills yet, how disappointed I felt after receiving my Friday lists. Knowing that I was on my own until Monday. I was trying to grow, but I wasn't confident.

That's where I got the idea for this whole thing.

What if I'm already great at sourcing?

Then, I'm not sure why you're still reading this.

What if I'm already great at sourcing, but I need more opportunities?

This is perfect for you!

Find more products to buy. Find some new stores you hadn't thought to look at. Sell in some categories you don't spend much time on. Get some new coupon codes that will make your existing leads more profitable.

What if this is just a side hustle and I'm only part-time?

This is perfect for you!

Paying for leads that you don't have time to review is a waste of money. It's a more affordable option with a manageable amount of leads.

What if I only work on Amazon over the weekends?

I think you know what I'm going to say, right...?

Get fresh leads when you need them the most.

Look for an email midday this Wednesday letting you know the cart has opened. The cart will close after the first 20 spots have been filled.

Did You See This?

πŸ“° Amazon Fined $35 Million for Micro-Managing

French regulators have deemed three of Amazon's productivity tracking alerts illegal. The CNIL said the close surveillance put employees under "continuous pressure".

The alerts monitor idle time and "scanner interruption" periods, among others.

πŸ“° Amazon's $1.4 Billion Acquisition of iRobot Canceled

My dreams of telling Alexa to vacuum the living room will have to wait.

πŸ“° Stanley Cup Lead Scandal?

Have you been making a ton of money off the Stanley Cup craze?

Did you hear they found lead in the cups?

Did you hear Stanley admit there's lead in the cups?

Are you freaking out a little about how Amazon's product compliance might handle this?

Here's a fact check that may or may not make you feel better.

Sometimes I Think I'm Funny

Dang it!

Have a great week! Talk to you soon.


Chris Racic

I am an Amazon seller, co-host of the Clear the Shelf with Chris & Chris podcast, and owner of OA Leads 24/7, among other entrepreneurial ventures. I write about things that I found interesting or helpful Amazon sellers and entrepreneurs. You can sign up for my newsletter below!

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