๐Ÿ“ˆ Ecom Matters 6/18/24

Hey there!

Thanks for checking out the latest issue of the newsletter.

Happy House of the Dragon season premiere to those that celebrate.

I haven't caught the first episode yet. I was too busy watching the Celtics take back the all-time lead in team championships in NBA history.

(Even though they technically still had it because we all agree the Lakers' bubble title didn't really count... ๐Ÿคจ)

Alright, let's explore the back pages of ecom news:


What's the Matter?


๐Ÿ“ฐ Pre-Prime Promo

Walmart+ Week has officially begun.

The event offers exclusive savings on various benefits and products, aiming to drive membership and sales ahead of Amazon's Prime Day.

Why it matters: For most of the same reasons Prime Day matters: a likely boost in sales for those of us selling on the marketplace, decent deals on potential inventory & products that can improve our processes (e.g. laptops, etc.), not to mention boosted fuel discounts for the retail arbitrageurs.


๐Ÿ“ฐ A New Category Under Rihanna's Umbrella

Rihanna has launched Fenty Hair, her fourth beauty category.

Does it matter? With so much focus on the beauty brands sellers are losing access to, it's good to reinforce the overall size of the category and highlight new avenues that could make us some money.

(Although, I'm not sure how reseller-friendly Fenty Beauty is. I've made some money, but also had some issues placing orders.)


๐Ÿ“ฐ Adult Toy Story

Fueled by the pandemic surge in nostalgia, adults contributed more to toy sales in the first quarter than preschoolers, with sales up 38% over 2019 levels.

And if you thought I was going somewhere else with that title, shame on you. Also, lol.

Why it matters: The toys that adults are interested in are usually higher priced, merging into the collectible range.

It wouldn't be shocking to see this as a strong sector moving forward.

Post-pandemic revenge travel spending has started to cool. Some of that disposable income could be redirected toward some cool stuff to put on your bookshelves.

I'm picturing Steve Carrell's character's apartment in The 40-Year-Old Virgin...


๐Ÿ“ฐ New Ticket Price for the Payout Express

eBay is changing fees for quicker payouts, with a new $2 flat fee for Express Payouts.

The flat fee lowers the cost for amounts greater than $133.

Does it matter? In the Time Value of Money concept that teaches us that today's dollar is more valuable than tomorrow's dollar sense, yes.

eBay is a popular choice for unloading death piles and returns. While I'm not a fan of paying for access to my own money, this could turn that recouped capital into more profitable inventory faster.

What's the Latest on the Clear The Shelf with Chris & Chris Podcast?

Slow week for the pod with both of us doing some traveling. But that won't stop the live Q&A show every Wednesday at 5pm est. Catch it on YouTube and our socials.

Follow the links below to get caught up on the pod:


Listen to Clear the Shelf with Chris & Chris on your favorite podcast player:





Alpha Weekend Lead List

I swear I really do update this section every week. One spot opened up last night.

You can check availability here. But the cart will close once the spots are filled.

Sometimes I Think I'm Funny

My physical books get the least amount of attention despite the countless hours I spend at the computer with them right over my shoulder a few feet away.

The Kindle and Audible app get most of the work.

In fact, as this hits your inbox, I'll be finishing up Scott Galloway's The Algebra of Wealth on the two-hour drive to Columbus for a retail arbitrage trip.

I mostly have a plan while I'm there, but if you know the area and have some stores you're willing to share with me, I'd love to add some stops.

Reply to this email or send me a message on Twitter. TIA!

Have a great week! Talk to you soon.


Chris Racic

I am an Amazon seller, co-host of the Clear the Shelf with Chris & Chris podcast, and owner of OA Leads 24/7, among other entrepreneurial ventures. I write about things that I found interesting or helpful Amazon sellers and entrepreneurs. You can sign up for my newsletter below!

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