
Chris Racic

I am an Amazon seller, co-host of the Clear the Shelf with Chris & Chris podcast, and owner of OA Leads 24/7, among other entrepreneurial ventures. I write about things that I found interesting or helpful Amazon sellers and entrepreneurs. You can sign up for my newsletter below!

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πŸ“ˆ Ecom Matters 9/5/24 - Surprised Snoop, More Prime Deals, & More

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. Q4 Countdown: 25 days away. Quote of the Week This quote is from Carl Von Clauswitz via Ryan Holiday's excellent book Conspiracy: Whether we're talking about war or business, one thing is true: fear will hold you back. Being overly cautious will lead to missed opportunities and lack of progress. Taking action is what leads to success, even if you have to correct miscalculations along the way. Now let's see what we might have missed on the back pages of...

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. Guess what? The first day of Q4 is only 33 days away. Quote of the Week There's no shortage of uncomfortable situations being an entrepreneur, and specifically a seller dealing with constant changes from Amazon. I saved this quote from one of my new favorite authors, Oliver Burkeman, to remind me that discomfort is part of the journey. Dealing with it and soldiering on strengthens our resilience and adaptability. Let's see what we might have missed on the...

Hey there! Apologies for missing last week, but the family and I were on vacation in Florida. After getting the bare minimum amount of work in, namely the weekend lead lists, the temptation to swim with the kids and spend time with good friends proved too strong. Quote of the Week Speaking of fleeting motivation, this quote surfaced in my Readwise account recently. This is a struggle for me. For a long time, I had it in my head that I'm better off doing tasks when I feel motivated. The...

Hey there! If you wagered "yes" on "Will he publish a newsletter this week?" please head to the window and collect your winnings. Not only do I have a hunk of new stuff for you, but I'm pretty sure I used the correct links on the stories this time! Let's get to the back pages of ecommerce news that you might have missed: What's the Matter? πŸ“° Rufus Rolls Out Nationwide Amazon's AI shopping assistant Rufus is now available to all U.S. customers in the Amazon app. Customers can ask Rufus for...

Hey there! For my long-time readers, no one is surprised that I missed a couple of weeks, right? πŸ˜… One of the great things about this business is the location-independence. The ability to travel and keep your business running smoothly is an underrated perk. I finally had a chance to visit the Saratoga Performing Arts Center, or SPAC as it's more commonly referred to. Here's a taste of my weekend in Saratoga: DMB at SPAC Night 2 But I'm back home and back at it now. Alright, let's explore the...

Hey there! Thanks for checking out the latest issue of the newsletter. Happy House of the Dragon season premiere to those that celebrate. I haven't caught the first episode yet. I was too busy watching the Celtics take back the all-time lead in team championships in NBA history. (Even though they technically still had it because we all agree the Lakers' bubble title didn't really count... 🀨) Alright, let's explore the back pages of ecom news: What's the Matter? πŸ“° Pre-Prime Promo Walmart+ Week...

Hey there! Well, how about that? Another issue of the newsletter exactly a week later. I'm probably just as surprised as you are. Off topic questions: 1) Why are there 3 days in between each NBA Finals game when we already had to wait a full week for it to start?? Doesn't next season's summer league start soon? Let's get things moving, Adam Silver. 2) How good is Shogun?! Have you seen this show? I'm 8 episodes in and loving it so far. Alright, let's talk about what's going on: What's the...

Hey there! Long time no talk, huh? Well, I'm trying to change that. This might look a little familiar and a little different at the same time. What's the same? The look is the same. I'll still share news you might have missed. I'll share interesting pieces that I think might help or inform you. I will still try to get a chuckle out of you with a meme. What's different? It will be shorter! There won't be long-winded think pieces starting them off. If it's shorter, I'm thinking they should come...

β€œThe great victory, which appears so simple today, was the result of a series of small victories that went unnoticed.” - Paul Coehlo I love all of the quotes in this family of advice. I'm no stranger to sharing my love for the James Clear's Atomic Habits or Jeff Haden's The Motivation Myth nuggets about how important the process is to goal achievement. Back to the Basics You know those moments when you lose focus and the light bulb moment is when you "go back to the basics"? Those times when...

The Billion Dollar Industry of Saving Time I watched an interesting keynote speech from Scott Galloway recently. Twice, actually. I liked it so much, I watched it again the following day. About 14 minutes in, he talks about businesses that build "time machines". More specifically, he explains that your best chance to build a business worth billions is to build a business that saves time. The examples he uses: Clear Secure Inc. The first example he uses is Clear; that company that helps you...